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10 Computer Rules : Never Break These Computer Rules

Never Break These Computer Rules 1. First up, this one's extremely important and I know you have heard it before but I also know that ma...

Never Break These Computer Rules

10 Computer Rules : Never Break These Computer Rules

1. First up, this one's extremely important and I know you have heard it before but I also know that many of you probably still haven't followed it and that is always backup and ideally use off-site backup So if you're not backing up at all You're just setting yourself up for trouble. If you have at least an external hard drive or something, that's even better But if you get your home broken into you to have a fire or flood or something like that Then that backup might be gone just as much as the main computer So ideally, you have some sort of cloud backup. These services are not very expensive stuff like Backblaze Carbonite these things are like 50 bucks a year And then it's all unlimited backup on to the cloud and then you don't have to worry about anything so off-site backup super ideal and at least some sort of backup or else you're just Really stupid, to be honest.

2. This one has to do with Wi-Fi and that is beware public Wi-Fi hotspots Now this isn't going to be as much of an issue once WPA3 type security comes out Which is probably going to be over in the next couple years But as of now always be suspicious and ideally don't use public Wi-Fi hotspots at all And that's because most of your data have to be sent in the clear unencrypted so anyone around you can intercept Everything that's going between you and that Wi-Fi hotspot Now there's of course extra encryption on some websites They use HTTPS so you're not completely screwed But you should never use a public Wi-Fi hotspot unless you absolutely had to and if you do have to then always use something like a VPN which will encrypt all your traffic and at least protect you in that respect. 

3. Another one that probably most people are not doing out of convenience and that is to use unique Passwords on every single website. every single website if you need me to explain this again The reason is if you use the same password on every single website all it takes is one of those Websites to have their database breached and stolen and then they're going to have hackers That are literally going to sell that database online and you're gonna have a whole bunch of different hacker groups Literally using bots trying out all the different email and password Combinations that they just bought in that fresh new stolen database and they're gonna try it on all sorts of different websites Including like email websites or bank websites And if you are using the same account on your forum some random forum as you are on your bank Well, they're gonna obviously go for that weak forum. Get all the data they need and get into any other higher security website So just don't do it. You want to have unique things on every single site so you're not exposed All right.

4. This one's pretty obvious and that is updates are your friend They may seem annoying when Windows tries to update automatically, but everybody knows if they didn't kind of force you to update Maybe you never would and the reason you need to keep things up to date is that it's literally keeping 99% of all the hacking opportunities that hackers use at bay because without updates you're gone have Exploits that hackers can use to literally hack into your computer through your web browser or whatever Even if you don't do anything They're using an exploit so they can take advantage of the software no matter what Security-conscious knowledge you have if you're the safest website user ever But that web browser has an exploit or that operating system has an exploit they can take advantage of it You're still gone get hacked unless you keep things up to date.

5. Use an antivirus you really do need one and that's just kind of like a last Defence in case there is some sort of exploit and antivirus especially one with Internet Security will be able to block Attempts often times before they even come into contact with the computer You may think you don't need antivirus, but that's the state of modern security You have to worry about the things that you aren't doing yourself and instead worry about things that the operating system isn't defending you from. 
6. This one rule is something that everyone should use and that is the nightlight mode that is now built into basically every single Operating system mobile and desktop. So if you're not familiar nightlight mode or on IPhones called a night shift. This is basically a feature that allows you to Filter out the blue light at night so in Windows, you can go into the settings if you search for night light mode or night mode and You can set it to automatically turn on at night. It'll dim the screen so it doesn't keep you awake on iPhone This is also a feature it's called night shift as on Mac It's the same night shift mode. So every operating system you're using has this built right in if you're using Desktop and you want something a little bit more robust. You should use Flux, it's a great program. You will have a lot better sleep and you won't be kept up all night If that's a problem you have just from staring at the computer and it's kind of funny after you use this you won't even notice This shift after a while, but if you turn it off, it's gone be like blinding your face It's kind of funny and you'll realize: "God, how was I using a computer so late in the night without this?" Alright, so moving on to the next number. 

8.people just kind of accept that their computer is going to get slow over time but if your computer gets slow over the course of several years and isn't running as fast as it Was it's because it's full of crap. It's because you installed a lot of stuff you don't use anymore You have a lot of startup programs that are now running in the background even if you can't see them there are services so you can absolutely get your computer running like new if you go into the task manager and you go to the startup settings and You remove things that are starting up that you know You're not using or if you have someone who knows how to do a reformat of your computer I would not recommend doing that by yourself. If you don't know what it is. You're basically wiping the hard drive So if you have someone that knows how to do that You might have to go to a computer store and they'll charge you money. But if you are just saying oh my computer slow I have to buy a new one. That's not necessarily true Another great thing you could do is buy an SSD and your SSDs will keep your computer running like new for way longer because Even if you do load it up with crap, then it does not really affect performance Whereas a hard drive it gets fragmented, you fill it up with crap It has to search through the whole hard drive and it's full a bunch of nonsense You probably understand that already. 

9. This one kind of ties into several ones I've already talked about and that is if you have a computer problem if you come up against an error message that you've don't understand, Don't just throw your hands up and say I don't know how to fix it. I don't know what this is Google.  I always guarantee you that almost any error message You ever come across you can google it and there will at least be someone else posting What does this error message mean if there's not a dedicated article on some website about how to fix that error message? So google it that is 99% of what tech support people do if you weren't aware that's like the dirty secret in IT is They're just googling it themselves so you can save yourself a lot of time a lot of effort and waiting on support tickets if you just do Google search this error and that code or even what it says if it's meaningless to you it might mean something very Significant and the good thing is there might be people who had this error message five years ago and on the forum They solved it and now you can get it without having to call up tech support or whatever 
So if you guys have your own rules of the internet and rules of the computer, let us know down in the comments I'm sure there are some good ones that will certainly be helpful And if you did like this post be sure to give it a thumbs up and if you want to subscribe I make a couple Of new posts every week. So thanks so much for watching guys. Have a good one.

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