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Network Speed 2G 3G 4G & 5G

Evaluation Of Wireless Signals : 1.Analog signal :  1G Technology :  It is the first generation of wireless mobile communication where anal...

Evaluation Of Wireless Signals :

Network Speed 2G 3G 4G & 5G

  • 1.Analog signal : 

1G TechnologyIt is the first generation of wireless mobile communication where analog signals are used to transmit data. it was introduced in the US in early 1980 to designed exclusively in voice communication. Analog the signal is totally based on the 1G signal. it is used for communication but analog signal has less penetration level and it is highly exposed to noise area there is why the 1G system is limited for a certain area

Benefits Of Analog Signal :

  • Speed is up to 2.4 kbps
  • Large phone with limited battery
  • Can connect with other person located at any where in the world. 
Limitations Of Analog Signal :
  • No data security
  • Poor voice quality
  • 1G is Only Used For Voice Calling , It can't be used to surf internet.
Parameters 1G
 Name1st Generation Mobile Network 
 Introduced in year 1980s
 Location of first commercialization USA
 Technology AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System), NMT, TACS
 Multiple Address/Access system FDMA
 Switching type Circuit switching
 Speed (data rates) 2.4 Kbps
 Special Characteristic First wireless communication
 Features Voice only
 Supports Voice only
Internet service No Internet
 Bandwidth Analog
 Operating frequencies 800 MHz
 Band (Frequency) type Narrowband
 Carrier frequency 30 KHZ
 Applications Voice Calls

2.Digital signal :

   Digital Signal Consist Of 2G , 3G , 4G & 5G Network.
  • 2G Technology
          It is a second generation of mobile telephony which used digital signal in first time. it was launched in Finland in 1991. In 2G signal GSM was introduced . GSM first name (Groupe Special Mobile)  which is made in European union  and once a time ,it was work in only European region. when GSM becomes a global communication standard in Europe then it also launched in  world wide and change  its name global system for mobile communication in which we can use voice communication with the help of digital signal . then 2.5G  face comes called GPRS  which enabled SMS(Short Message Service) , web browsing e-mail service and gives fast upload/download speed. but there was a  limit for GPRS. editor  was soo slow almost 50 kbps to 60 kbps so wanted  fast speed therefore 2.75G (EDGE) face introduce and called Enhanced data rate for GSM evolution whose speed was 90-120 kbps. but data rate in 2G system was not too good. then next face introduce that is 3G technology.

Benefits :
  • Data speed upto 64bytes
  • Text and multimedia messages possible
  • Gives better quality than 1G

Parameters 2G
 Name 2nd Generation Mobile Network
 Introduced in year 1993
 Location of first commercialization Finland
 Technology IS-95, GSM
 Multiple Address/Access system TDMA, CDMA
 Switching type Packet switching for Data & Circuit switching Voice
 Speed (data rates) 14.4 Kbps
 Special Characteristic Digital version of 1G technology
 Features Multiple users on single channel
 Supports Voice & Data
Internet service Narrow band
 Bandwidth 25 MHz
 Operating frequencies GSM: 900MHZ, 1800MHz CDMA: 800MHz
 Band (Frequency) type Narrow band
 Carrier frequency 200 KHZ
 Applications Voice calls, Short messages, browsing (partial)

  • 3G Technology

    Third generation mobile telephone began with the start of new millennium and offered major advanced. 3G system gave more data rate and introduced video call feature. 3G system also called UMTS (universal mobile telecommunication service) which increase data rate that is 3.5G which called (HSUPA)High Speed Uplink Packet Access. then next face comes that increase data rate and goes to 3.75G HSPA+ (high speed packet access) which gives more data rate.

Benefits :

  • Data speeds of 144 kbps to 2MBPS
  • High speed web browsing
  • Running on web based applications like video conferencing , multimedia e-mail etc.
  • fast and easy transfer of audio and video files
  • 3D Gaming.    
Some Drawbacks of 3D Technology: expensive mobile phones ,high infrastructure cost like licensing fees  and mobiles tower trained persons required in infrastructure set up everything require in 3G technology.

Parameters 3G
 Name3st Generation Mobile Network 
 Introduced in year 2001
 Location of first commercialization Japan
 Technology IMT2000, WCDMA
 Multiple Address/Access system CDMA
 Switching type Packet switching except for Air Interface
 Speed (data rates) 3.1 Mbps
 Special Characteristic Digital broadband, speed increments
 Features Multimedia features, Video Call
 Supports Voice  & Data
Internet serviceBroadband
 Bandwidth 25 MHz
 Operating frequencies 2100 MHz
 Band (Frequency) type Wide band
 Carrier frequency 5 MHz
 ApplicationsVideo conferencing, mobile TV, GPS

  • 4G Technology:  

     Keeping up the trend of new mobile generation every decade, it was introduced in 2011. 4G system sets a standard that if you are stationary user then it gave 1gb/s if you are in highly mobility then it gave 100mbps speed this standard called ALTE (Advanced Long Term Evolution).

Benefits : 

  • Speeds is increase from 100 mbps to 1gbps
  • Mobile web access
  • Can connect to High definition mobile TV
  • Cloud computing provided in 4G
  • IP Telephony will be there .
Some basic term use to describe 4G is "MAGIC"
  • M-Mobile multimedia
  • A-Anything any where
  • G-Global mobility support
  • I-Integrated wireless solution
  • C-Customize personal service.

Parameters 4G
 Name 4nd Generation Mobile Network
 Introduced in year 2009
 Location of first commercialization South Korea
 Technology LTE, WiMAX
 Multiple Address/Access system CDMA
 Switching type Packet switching
 Speed (data rates) 100 Mbps
 Special Characteristic Very high speeds, All IP
 Features High Speed, real time streaming
 Supports Voice & Data
Internet service Ultra Broadband 
 Bandwidth 100 MHz
 Operating frequencies 850 MHz, 1800 MHz
 Band (Frequency) type Ultra Wide band
 Carrier frequency 15 MHz
 ApplicationsHigh speed applications, mobile TV, Wearable devices
  • 5G Technology:
5G Technology
5G Technology

   Fifth generation was started from 2010.It is a complete wireless communication with almost no limitation. It is highly supportable to WWW(Wireless World Wide Web)

Benefits :
  • It gives high capacity ,high speed.
  • It provide large broadcasting of data in Gbps.
  • Gives HD quality for newspaper , watch TV programs .
  • Transmit data , large phone memory clarity in audio/video very fast.
  • Support interactive multimedia, voice ,streaming video to other.
  • 5G is more effective.
  • It is going to give tough competition to computer and laptops.
  • It will be available in the market 2020 at affordable cost with more reliability than previous mobiles .

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