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WhatsApp : Hidden Features And Many More Things About WhatsApp

WhatsApp : Hidden Features And Many More Things About WhatsApp          WhatsApp Messenger is a free messaging app available for all Android...

WhatsApp : Hidden Features And Many More Things About WhatsApp  

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     WhatsApp Messenger is a free messaging app available for all Android iPhone and other devices which makes communication easy. WhatsApp allows you to send or receive messages, photos, videos, calls, documents, and voice recordings, and contacts. There are no fees required to use WhatsApp just require an active internet connection.
      WhatsApp keeps you always log in. there are  5,000,000,000+  downloads of  WhatsApp it updates its version and gives the best features on every update. whats app rated for 3+ in play store and app store its rating is 4.3. 

           Hidden Features Of WhatsApp

  1. To write the text message in bold:- *word*
  2. To write the text message in italic:- _word_
  3. To write the text message strike through- ~word~

Exporting chats:- To send all chats of a person to anyone with or without Media

  1. Chat of specific contact 
  2. Open the chat that you want to export
  3.  Go to chat menu 
  4.  Tap on more & click on export 
  5.  Send it to the contact.
Copy Paste:-Click On message >Copy and select>Click on upper right side of three lines>Click on copy>go typing box> press & hold on typing box>click on paste.

 Changing light to dark mode:- WhatsApp recently update the features of changing the WhatsApp mode from light to dark, which gives  WhatsApp classy look. steps to change the mode
 Open WhatsApp >setting>chats>theme>choose light or dark.

 Hide Last Seen :- To hide your last seen click on WhatsApp>setting>account>privacy>last seen>nobody.

Send Live Location:-Whats app allows you to send your live location as well as documents, picture, contact, audio, video, etc.What's App>Message box>Paperclip>Location>Currrent location>Send

Delete Message For Everyone-Whats App provides two options to delete message 1.delete the message that deletes the message only for you.
2.delete the message for everyone that deletes the message for you and the other one.
Open chat>Specific chat>Select message>Tap delete for everyone.

 Group Chat Video Call:-WhatsApp recently update its feature of group video calling so that face to face conversation becomes more easily.up to four members can attend the video call and share their live moments.

Group Setting:-Whats allow to change the group message setting from only allow to send the message only for admin.
 Open whats app >Specific group>Tap on profile >Group Setting>Send message>Only admin.
this type of setting can do for group description also.

Chat Screen Wallpaper:-Whats App allows us to change the chat screen wallpaper of our choice. 
Open chat or whats app>Menu>Wallpaper>Choose one of them(solid color, gallery)>Select one of then>Set as chat screen wallpaper.

Pin Chat:-Whats app allows to pin the chat .so that you can never miss the message from specific people or group.we can pin up to 3 chats.
Open the chat >Press and Select>Tap on pin chat.

Block:-If  you wont to avoid someone you can block them 
open that specific chat>tap on profile>scroll down >tap block.
so that you don't receive any  message from that chat

Search Trick:-If you want a specific word from chat so whats app allows you to find that specific chat either it is very long many months or the year before.for that
Open that specific chat>Tap on three line>Search>Type the word>search

Gif Images:- Recently whats app update the feature And give gif which is like a boomerang of Instagram. we can take it from WhatsApp as default searching on can make it own.
Open specific chat>Click on emoji>Tap on gif>Search>Click on select gif>Send.

Sticker:-Like emoji whats app allows to send the stickers.some are given by whats app as a default. or can use these stickers by installing an external app from the play store or app store.

Read Receipt:-To hide the view of message whats app gives the read receipt setting by turning on this setting you can hide your blue ticks and others unable to saw if you viewed their status of what's app
Whats App>Setting>Account>privacy>Tap read receipt

Status Caption In Bold And Italic Format:-If you want to impress someone by giving your status caption in various font style format then just write your caption and make it in bold italic and strike through format.
Select the caption>Bold>Italic>Strike through.

Chat Backup:-Whats App allows you to take the backup of your chat in case you want to uninstall the WhatsApp.
there are two types of whats app chat backup.
1.offline backup which saves in file manager this backup can set weekly, daily & never. backup this backup saved in the Gmail account which you link. 

Profile Picture Setting:-
WhatsApp gives you the best choice to set your profile by your choice.
Whats App>Setting>Account>Privacy>Profile Photo>Set as my contact , nobody or everyone>Click.

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